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    Hypertension is a constant increase in blood pressure, often the bar for this disease is a mercury column above 140/90. Unfortunately, the disease is quite common in our time, although the cause of its occurrence has not yet been established. The vast majority of cases of hypertension have a name, Essential Hypertension, in 9 out of 10 cases this diagnosis is made.

    Causes and Types

    As mentioned above, the main cause of hypertension has not yet been established, doctors openly admit this. There are many theories, but all of them do not give a specific answer, and do not carry scientific justification. An important role in the occurrence of this disease is played by the human genetic code.

    Hypertension is divided into several types, which include the above-described Essential Hypertension, as well as several secondary types, such as:

    • renal
    • Endocrine
    • Hemodynamic
    • neurological
    • stressful

    Hypertension is often observed in people with the following symptoms:

    • Overweight problems. Blood pressure often rises in people who are overweight.
    • Kidney and thyroid problems. Approximately every twentieth patient suffering from this disease has some kind of kidney problems.
    • Also, in rare cases, an imbalance of magnesium in the body can be the cause.

    You will learn more about this disease from this section.

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